LeBron vs. Zuckerberg on the future of education

Fixing education in this country is a must. If we could only fix one thing, I feel like giving the next generation the best education in the world (without life crushing loans), is the place to focus. To this day, I think attending Woodland Montessori school as a child set me up for success, and was one of the best things my Mom ever did for me!

I recently came across two articles in the NY times covering education initiatives from Lebron James and Mark Zuckerberg. Love the effort and the money from anyone willing to step up, however the headlines on their own really caught my attention!

LeBron James Opened a School That Was Considered an Experiment. It’s Showing Promise


Silicon Valley Came to Kansas Schools. That Started a Rebellion


I haven’t seen anyone put them together yet? A few quotes about Lebron’s efforts:

“The students paraded through hugs and high-fives from staff, who danced as Sister Sledge’s “We Are Family” blared through the hallways…..Every day, they are celebrated for walking through the door.”

And Zuckerbergs

“….students spend much of the day on their laptops and go online for lesson plans and quizzes, which they complete at their own pace”

Ok, I am picking intentially provocative quotes, but which one sounds right to you? Is Lebron schooling Zuck on the future of education?

I am not an expert at any of this, I don’t have tons of data and studies. I haven’t seen anyone more qualified than me connecting these articles and doing a deep dive on the different approaches. It could be these are two totally different “turn around” stories, and it’s not fair to compare. However when you read these, it feels like one leader really knows the community and people, and the other doesn’t!

After reading both articles, and just based on my own experience, its hard for me to believe that improving education is based on more technology and free chrome-books.

Please take a quick read at both, and see what conclusions you come to!

LeBron James Opened a School That Was Considered an Experiment. It’s Showing Promise


Silicon Valley Came to Kansas Schools. That Started a Rebellion


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@jblogg - Vr, Music, Robots