Walmart’s Tech Incubator Store No. 8 Acquires VR Startup Spatialand

I’ve been consulting in VR for Store No. 8 for the last year, and joined full time last December. Excited to share publicly what we’ve been working on and planning for the last few months!

“Today, we are thrilled to announce our acquisition of Spatialand, which will create the foundation of Store No 8’s third portfolio company. The new venture will operate in stealth with Kim and Jeremy at the helm as co-founders. I’m proud to join this team as well, as interim CEO, in addition to my role as Principal of Store No 8. The team will develop and explore new products and uses of VR through immersive retail environments that can be incorporated by all facets of Walmart, online and offline.”

Read the full post from our CEO Katie Finnegan!

In addition to co-founding this new company with Kim, I will be serving as Chief Product Officer, continuing our focus on using Virtual Reality to power the future of retail.

I couldn’t be more excited to parter with Kim, Katie, and the rest of the Spatialand and Store No.8 team!

Walmart’s Tech Incubator Store No. 8 Acquires VR Startup Spatialand