Billboard wrote a piece about ways Major Labels are beginning to take the app market seriously. Linkin Park’s 8-bit Rebellion, the band’s new game for the iphone/iPad, is used as an example of how Artist and Labels are working together. The article interviews Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park, and Artificial life, the developer of 8-bit Rebellion. They both reinforce themes I think are important: Creativity, Artist Involvement, Authenticity.

And the fourth key is Marketing! Outside of the itunes homepage and pricing games, the marketing of apps is a murky world that is often overlooked. I contributed to the article with some insights on how Warner Bros is marketing the launch of the game later this month.

The article also covers some other major label perspectives and projects – worth a read!
Check out the article here (via abc news)

Major Labels Eager to Enter Ipad Marketplace” post on the launch of 8-bit rebellion

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@jblogg - Vr, Music, Robots